Holiday |
Date |
Activity |
18 Elul |
Thursday September 11 |
20 Elul |
Saturday September 13 |
- 1 Hour after midnight Selichos are
recited. Then every morning until Rosh
Hashana the Selichos are recited in the early morning.
Erev Rosh Hashana |
Monday September 22 |
- Hatarat Nedarim (Nullification of Vows) after the Shachrit (morning) prayers.
- Prepare a candle or flame that will be able to burn safely for more
than 24 hours. (For example: a Yahrzeit candle. This will be used to light
the Yom Tov Candles on Tuesday night).
- Light Yom Tov Candles -- 18 minutes before Sunset (6:36).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Rosh Hashana- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Yom Ha-zi-ko-ron.
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
Rosh Hashana |
Tuesday September 23 |
- Blowing of Shofar and the Tashlich service in the afternoon.
- Light Yom Tov Candles AFTER nightfall (7:35), from a pre-existing flame.
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Rosh Hashana- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Yom Ha-zi-ko-ron.
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
A pre-existing flame is a flame burning continuously since
the onset of the festival, such as a pilot light, gas or candle flame.
Rosh Hashana |
Wednesday September 24 |
- Blowing of Shofar.
- Yom Tov ends after nightfall (7:33).
3 Tishrei |
Thursday September 25 |
- Fast of Gedaliah - A daytime fast -
We neither eat nor drink, from approximately three hours before
sunrise until 40 minutes after sunset (sunset is: 6:49).
4 Tishrei | Friday September 26 | - Light Shabbos Candles 18 minutes before Sunset (6:29).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Shabbos- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbos Koi-desh.
5 Tishrei | Shabbos September 27 | - Shabbos ends after nightfall (7:28).
6 Tishrei |
Sunday September 28 |
Erev Yom Kippur |
Wednesday October 1 |
- Kapporos service in the early morning.
- Festive meal in the early afternoon.
- Light the candles 18 minutes before Sunset (6:21).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Yom-Kippur- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Yom Ha-ki-purim.
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
- Fast begins. One does not eat
nor drink until after the fast ends Thursday night.
Yom Kippur |
Thursday October 2 |
- Yizkor memorial prayers.
- Yom Kippur ends after nightfall (7:19).
- After Maariv (evening services) it is a custom to do the Kidush Levanah Service before going home.
11 Tishrei | Friday October 3 | - Light Shabbos Candles 18 minutes before Sunset (6:18).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Shabbos- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbos Koi-desh.
12 Tishrei | Shabbos October 4 | - Shabbos ends after nightfall (7:16).
Sukkot Eve |
Monday October 6 |
- Prepare a candle or flame that will be able to burn safely for more
than 24 hours. (For example: a Yahrzeit candle. This will be used to light
the Yom Tov Candles on Tuesday night).
- Light Yom Tov Candles -- 18 minutes before Sunset (6:13).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Yom Tov- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Yom Tov.
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
- Foods and drink are consumed in the Sukkah
Prior to eating a meal in the Sukkah we recite the following blessing:
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-
sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Vi-tzi-vo-nu Le-shev Ba-su-kah.
First day of Sukkos |
Tuesday October 7 |
- Shake the four kinds; We recite the following blessings:
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Vi-tzi-vo-nu Awl Ne-tee-las Lu-luv.
- The following blessing is said only the first time before we shake the Four Kinds:
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heh-che-yoh-nu Vi-ki-ye-mo-nu Ve-he-ge-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
- Light Yom Tov Candles after nightfall, from a pre-existing flame (7:11), from a pre-existing flame.
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Yom Tov- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Yom Tov.
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
Second day of Sukkos |
Wednesday October 8 |
- Shake the four kinds.
- Yom Tov ends after nightfall (7:10).
Chol HaMoed - Intermediate Days Thursday - Monday, October 9 - October 13
1st day Chol Hamoed |
Thursday October 9 |
- We do not put on Tefilin today.
- Shake the four kinds.
- Special additional prayer is said in the morning - Hallel, Hoshaanos, Musaf for Sukkot.
2nd day Chol Hamoed |
Friday October 10 |
- We do not put on Tefilin today.
- Shake the four kinds.
- Special additional prayer is said in the morning - Hallel, Hoshaanos, Musaf for Sukkot.
- Light Shabbos Candles 18 minutes before Sunset (6:06).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Shabbos- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbos Koi-desh.
3rd day Chol Hamoed |
Saturday October 11 |
- Special additional prayer is said in the morning - Hallel, Musaf for Sukkot.
4th day Chol Hamoed |
Sunday October 12 |
- We do not put on Tefilin today.
- Shake the four kinds.
- Special additional prayer is said in the morning - Hallel, Hoshaanos, Musaf for Sukkot.
- After midnight we recite the entire Psalms (Tehilim). Afterwards we eat an apple dipped in honey.
Hoshaana Rabah |
Monday October 13 |
- We do not put on Tefilin today.
- Shake the four kinds.
- Hoshaana Rabah Special additional prayer is said in the morning - Hallel, (all) Hoshaanos, Musaf for Sukkot.
- After Mincha we conclude recital of Psalm 27.
- Prepare a candle or flame that will be able to burn safely for more
than 24 hours. (For example: a Yahrzeit candle. This will be used to light
the Yom Tov Candles on Tuesday night).
- Light Yom Tov Candles -- 18 minutes before Sunset (6:02).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Yom Tov- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Yom Tov.
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
- After Maariv; Dancing with the Torah.
Shemini Atzeret |
Tuesday October 14 |
- Yizkor memorial prayers and Geshem Prayers
- Light Yom Tov Candles
after nightfall, from a pre-existing flame (7:00), from a pre-existing flame.
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Yom Tov- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Yom Tov.
- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.
- After Maariv; Dancing with the Torah.
Simchas Torah |
Wednesday October 15 |
- Hakafot (Dancing with the Torah).
- All males get Aliya to the Torah.
- Yom-Tov ends after nightfall (6:59).
25 Tishrei | Friday October 17 | - Light Shabbos Candles 18 minutes before Sunset (5:56).
- After lighting the candles, recite:
Blessing for Shabbos- Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sho-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbos Koi-desh.
26 Tishrei | Shabbos October 18 | - Shabbos ends after nightfall (6:54).