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Rosh Hashana is the day on which G-d completed the creation of this
world, by creating Adam, the original man. Adam's very first act was
to proclaim the Almighty as King of the Universe. He called upon all
creatures: "Come, let us worship, bow down, and kneel before G-d, our
Each Rosh Hashana, we too proclaim the Kingship of G-d, and reaffirm
our commitment to serve Him well.
Just as on the original Rosh Hashana, G-d created the world for the
first time, so each Rosh Hashana He reconsiders and re-evaluates the
quality of our relationship with Him, and creates our world anew.
The Book of Life
On the first evening of Rosh Hashana, after services, we exchange the
traditional blessing, "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good
Our sages explain that on Rosh Hashana, we all stand in judgment
before G-d -- "like a flock of sheep before the shepherd." If we are
worthy, we are "inscribed" in the "Book of Life." Ten days later, on
Yom Kippur, the Book is sealed.
Through repentance, prayer, and charity, we can sweeten the decree,
and merit G-d's blessings for health, wellbeing, and prosperity for
the coming year.
Please read the Essays (click on the word ESSAYS on your left) for
more insights on the above points.